NodeJS Tutorials for Beginners in Hindi

This course contains NodJS basic environment setup with NPM. It also covers Express JS - REST API, Middle-wares, Request and Response systems.

NodeJS is a JavaScript compile environment. It made possible to execute JS outside the browser. As a reason now many backend side code is written on frameworks based on JS. We will ExpressJS as main framework to learn NodeJS concepts here. As ExpressJS is minimal Framework to learn NodeJS , it is easier to use it without a lot of extra code.

#1 Node JS Setup

We will setup NodeJS environment in this video, this will also include the NPM installation which is a Node Package installer.

#2 Node JS - Server Architecture

Node Server or any server has many concepts which needs to be understood before one starts programming on backends. A Server has many such entities :

  • Request Object (HTTP Request from browser)
  • Response Object (HTTP Response from browser)
  • API calls  (Endpoints/ Server Hooks)
  • Middle-wares

#3 Simple Web Server using Express JS

Express is de-facto standard for web server in Node kind of environment. One can easily make a web-server using small programming. In this video, we will create a simple Web Server on your local computer. This server is not very useful but gives any idea of server as a - continuous running program to send responses to browser.

#4 Express JS - Serving Static Files

In websites, there are many things which are Static - Images, CSS, JS files and even HTML files. These files are not manipulated on server side - hence the name static files. Hosting of these files is very easy as they need to be put on a public folder, this folder can be accessed over the net using a browser.

#5 Express JS - Build REST API

For dynamic part if websites, we need to download data from server and prepare the web page accordingly. Server APIs or Endpoints is a popular way to download some server info directly via some server URLs. These URLs are exposed to outside world (hence name Endpoints) - one can query on these URLs/APIs to have the required data from the server. In this video we will see a simple version of such APIs - built on ExpressJS.

#6 Node JS - Configuring environment vars

We can built some environment variables in node environment. Environment variable can make it easy to configure server without changing the code. Also make server more flexible and secure by putting some info of credentials outside the server code and inside Node Memory.

#7 Express JS - get Data using Query String

This video will show example of GET method (GET API)  using query strings. Query string is simplest method to send some data to server, using data embeded in URL. You will often find this style of data exchange in Search engine pages like Google.

#8 Express JS - get Data using Request Params

This video will show example of GET method (GET API)  using request params. Query parameter are another way of embedding data in URL path which can only be used by server. This style is used in various dynamic website which has various products or pages of same design but different data (e.g. facebook profiles).

#9 Express JS - get Data using Request Body

This video shows how to send some data to a Server in POST request, which uses HTTP request body to carry some data. This is most used technique to send form data to server. Also any kind of complex data or file can be embeded in body of request and sent to the server.

#10 NodeJS Middlewares

A Server's basic pathway includes sending data to Endpoints, but before or after that a Server can pass request data through various functions - which are called middle-wares. We can write our own middle-wares, but a lot of them are available freely. Like middleware for session management, cookie parsing, body parsing, authentication, logging requests data.

#11 Nodemon

Nodemon is an external terminal based software which can be used to run a Node based application continuously, and with auto reloading features - which can detect any changes in your code and reload server.

Next Up : MongoDB Tutorials for Beginners in Hindi