Javascript Tutorials for beginners in Hindi

This course covers more than 50 topics related to JS - basic programming, data types, loops, objects, JSON, Array and String methods, deep copy etc.

Javascript is the programming language of Web browser, there is no other major language which you can use to program the browser. It is very important to have a good understanding of Javascript language specially if you want to work on front-end (Client side) of web, there are many popular framework which can be used for complex JS projects - like React and Angular. JavaScript is also being used in Back-end (Server side) using environments like NodeJS. Concepts of basic JS remains the same wherever you are using the code.

#1 What is JavaScript, where is it used ?

#2 JavaScript variables

#3 JavaScript Data types

#4 Arithmetic Operations in JS

#5 Logical Operations in JS

#6 String Concatenation

#7 JavaScript Dynamic Type Conversions

#8 Using Escape Characters

#9 Length of String

#10 String Methods - indexOf / charAt

#11 Functions in JavaScript

#12 What is Hoisting in JavaScript ?

#13 JavaScript Arrays

#14 JavaScript Arrays Methods - Push/Pop

#15 JavaScript Arrays Methods - Splice

#16 JavaScript Arrays Methods - Slice

#17 JavaScript Arrays Methods - Join/Concat/Reverse

#18 JavaScript Arrays Methods - 2D Array

#19 JavaScript Objects

#20 JavaScript Object Access - Array Notation

#21 Nested Objects

#22 Objects - delete keyword

#23 What is JSON ?

#24 Javascript Control Statements - If/Else

#25 Javascript Switch Cases

#26 Javascript Truthy/Falsy Values

#27 Strict Equality Operator

#28 JS Conditional Statements (Ternary Operator)

#29 JS typeof method

#30 Type Conversions

#31 Strings - Split Method

#32 String - Change Cases

#33 Immutability of String in JavaScript

#34 Immutability of String in JavaScript

#35 Method chaining in JavaScript

#36 Callback functions in JavaScript

#37 JavaScript Timer methods

#38 JavaScript Math functions

#39 Scope of Variable in JavaScript

#40 For Loop in JavaScript

#41 For OF Loop in JavaScript

#42 While Loop in JavaScript

#43 Object Constructor Methods

#44 Reference Assignment in JavaScript

#45 JavaScript - Shallow Copy

#46 JavaScript - Deep Copy

Next Up : ES6 Tutorials for Beginners in Hindi